What is PLA, PBAT and LDPE?

What is PLA, PBAT and LDPE? Polyethylene (PE) is a widely used plastic which considered as the main alternative to biodegradable plastics. The market prospects of commercialized PLA and PBAT are the best. PLA and PBAT are mainly used in daily plastics, which are most in line with the needs of the current "plastic restriction" policy. However, if we want to replace the existing general plastic PE on a large scale, not only the production cost needs to be further reduced, but also depends on the proper solution of some problems. Q: Why not use 100% PLA? A: PLA: clear and good gloss but poor touchness. PBAT: Good touchness but film is vary tacky. PBAT+starch: Soft &less tacky, and lower price. PLA+PABAT+starch:Good touchness and improve processability. Therefore, we do not use 100% PLA, but prefer to use a combination of PLA and PBAT.